new album out now:

Musik For Seks Elektriske Guitarer 12" vinyl + score poster + bouns download
(Jvtlandt & yoyooyoy 2012)
Guitars by: Tobias Fuglsang Mynborg, Andreas Führer, Martin Vognsen, Oliver Hoiness, Claus Haxholm,
Andreas Pallisgaard, Laust Færch, Kasper Vang
and Anders Lauge Meldgaard
Composed by: Anders Lauge Meldgaard
LISTEN TO THE RECORD: Bubbletyggegummiboble Part 2, 3 & 4
LISTEN TO THE BONUS: Bubbletyggegummiboble Part 5
LISTEN TO a radio show feat. Oliver Hoiness presenting this album (in danish)
Contact - get the record at JVTLANDT
Anmeldelser: Seismograf Undertoner Passive/Agressive all about jazz

Special 4 cassette tape complete edition 25 copies yoyooyoy 2012
♣ Digital download version of this album including bonus tracks
♥ Complete alternative 8bit chiptune version of all compositions for six electric guitars
♠ Kappa‘s TECHNØ mixtape( see also http://kappa.nu/index.shtml )
♦ Supermelle anbefaler; The Japan Tape Collage, recorded in nov. 2011 INFO